Monday, February 20, 2012

Understanding Me.

Hello, my name is Anthony and I am a current student at Austin Community College. I am currently enrolled in an online government class and have been assigned to create and manage a political blog to post thoughts and gain a better understanding of how the  political process of the government operates.  
    As of now I would consider myself an Independent. The reason is that I do not have a full understanding of politics, but I know my philosophy is in discrepancy with both Republicans and Democrats.
    For instance, a discrepancy I have with the Republican party is they fact that they want to cut back Medicare benefits for the elderly. I believe this is a moral obligation that the government has to the people since they have already paid into the system.
    On the other hand, I have a discrepancy  with Democrats spending so much money on Medicaid. Many recipients of Medicaid are not trying to better themselves but are just living off the government indefinately. Medicaid should be an aide to get people out of poverty instead of encouraging people to stay in poverty. People live like this knowing that they will always have a safety net from government.
     I feel there could be better solutions and I hope to aquire this knowledge from my government class.

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